2012年1月31日 星期二


董事長舉例,蘋果日報報導:2006年7 月14日,台北市議員林奕華陪同一名女尼及多名民眾出面,指控來自中國西康的「佐欽林喇仁波切以弘法名義,八年來藉修建寺廟或放生名義斂財上億元,還性侵害數十名女信徒,並藉「雙修」之名在佛像面前公然猥褻,甚至想更進一步動作。還強迫女信眾吞食其精液,說是有助修行的「白菩提」。女尼並說,事後林喇與其在南部合作弘法的高雄佐欽顯密佛學會執事林美利聯手恐嚇她:「上師法力無邊,可以致妳於死。」威脅她不准說出內情。
飽受百般煎熬的女尼,將遭遇告訴台北道場前會長柯普薰,兩人四處探詢,發現多年來被林喇性侵的女信徒多達數十人,其中包括前中研院研究員夫人、外交武官夫人在內;林喇還以修築寺廟、興建閉關中心、安置佛像、點消災燈、以每頭八百元供養西康放生羊等名義,南北詐騙達上億元。事情爆發後,當時的達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會董事長才嘉表示,他「未聽過」林喇仁波切名號,但出家人本來就該遵守「不淫邪」,如果信眾指控屬實,絕非真正出家人所為。 http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/2750338/IssueID/20060715
董事長指出,作為達賴喇嘛在台灣的「官方」代表,發言卻不與達賴同步,真不知他能如何適任這樣的職務?達賴喇嘛在他的著作《達賴生死書》中說:「具有堅定慈悲及智慧的修行者,可以在修行之道上運用性交,以性交做為強大意識專注的方法,然後顯現出本有的澄明心。目的是要實證及延長心的更深刻層面,然後用此力量加強對空性的了悟。」敘述詳盡語意明確,無須再做支吾的旁解。可是才嘉卻說:雙修是智慧、善巧或德慧雙修,並非男女雙修。董事長表示,這當然不是才嘉對達賴的著作沒有熟讀,或是不知藏傳佛教的真正底細,而是當喇嘛們「實修雙身法」的惡作曝光,干犯社會法令並激怒大眾時,不得不做的掩飾說法,對此,董事長要挺身代表社會大眾質疑:「難道藏傳假佛教(喇嘛教) 每次都要這樣說謊嗎?」
隨後,在2008年3 月12日蘋果日報踢爆(真可謂無年無之),被譽為「美聲弘法典範」的活佛貝瑪千貝仁波切,竟在精舍與一名還有婚姻關係的前比丘尼通姦,當場被女方丈夫捉姦在床,送警究辦;喇嘛與女信徒雙修過程聲色俱備精彩之至,被女方丈夫抓姦的場面卻極難堪。對於這件真「活佛」姦淫前比丘尼的案件,當時達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會另一發言者「秘書長」索朗多吉表示:「若查證屬實,犯下姦淫色戒的活佛和比丘尼將不能再穿上袈裟,至於破戒的活佛還會受到什麼懲罰,則由當初替他認證的寺廟決定。」索朗多吉強調,部分宗教人士利用「雙修」名義發生性行為,「嚴格來說,藏傳佛教不管什麼教派,出家人都不能做出姦淫之事。」 http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/30345311/IssueID/20080312
張董事長點出,這位秘書長同樣「技巧地」把該負的責任和事後處置的對象,轉移到一件衣物(所謂其「袈裟」)的穿脫上,就「事如春夢了無痕」了。而其推諉的說詞:「至於破戒的活佛還會受到什麼懲罰,則由當初替他認證的寺廟決定。」然而縱使該寺廟「真的」在形式上做了什麼「懲罰」,事實上對此地的受害者和社會大眾來說,也只是無從稽查追蹤的虛應故事而已,於事無補。更何況當年隔不了幾天(3 月21日),又有一位藏傳佛教的「放話窗口」宗薩欽哲仁波切,在蘋果日報上發表了一篇題為「從『喇嘛性醜聞』談起」的文章,對於貝瑪仁波切的破戒犯行,明表遺憾、暗作緩頰。他說:「眾所週知,佛教相當民主,負面行為的結果是由個人以業果的形式來承擔。沒有佛教法庭來討論這些事,也沒有所謂聽取證詞,讓有罪者受罰、無罪者獲償,或將被告送入監獄;這點是相當幸運。因為如果真有佛教法庭,它很容易墮落,我們就會面對一些最貪贓枉法、最不道德的佛教徒。當有錢的、關係良好的人躍上檯面,最純潔虔誠的修行者可能會被犧牲,就如同發生在每一個民主系統裡的情況,這反而會在佛教徒當中產生不和諧。」董事長表示,所謂「最純潔虔誠的修行者」就是每天都與女信徒合修雙身法,欺騙女信徒為即身成佛的快速修行道的喇嘛們,說這話的宗薩欽哲本人其實正是他說的「最不道德的佛教徒」;並且,這些詭詞淡化了對犯戒作惡者後續的究責,還暗中把是非顛倒過來:對於作惡者完全不去責難、處理,而要求客觀的公平正義反而成了「墮落」「產生不和諧」,如此的發言,只是讓藏傳佛教性侵的喇嘛,躲在無法無天的「民主」中任逍遙。豈不是比說謊更令人寒心?http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!NvuvKfOBBRoAdbphYxSMGw--/article?mid=2239
董事長表示,最荒唐的是索朗多吉秘書長說的:「嚴格來說,藏傳佛教不管什麼教派,出家人都不能做出姦淫之事。」可是根據達賴喇嘛著作《慈悲的力量》第91~95頁<有關獨身>的說法是:「另外曼達拉至尊瑜珈修行裡,男女共修是必要條件……與此類似的是,完整的檀城修到及於正悟之境,只有在男女修道人相輔相成的修行才可達到,若是修道人為男性,他就需要一個刺激作為輔助,即從相反的性別而來,反之亦然。而達賴這些說法則是根據他最崇仰的宗喀巴教導而說的,也是藏傳佛教四大派共通的根本教義,也是所有喇嘛們都不許、不願否定的祕密教義,否則藏傳佛教就再也不能稱為密宗了;因此,藏傳佛教無論是哪個派別,除非他不修瑜伽也不求妄想的「證悟」,否則出家的所有喇嘛們自始自終都要每天「做出姦淫之事」的,否則就是違背密宗的三昧耶戒,就是持戒不清淨的出家人。董事長不禁要再次質疑:「難道藏傳假佛教(喇嘛教) 每次都要這樣說謊嗎?」
緊接著3 月2 日,警方日前董事「清樓專案」時,意外查獲外籍人士買春,而且買春的竟是尼泊爾籍的耐邁仁波切,而賣淫的則是一名年過四十的娼妓,警方偵訊後飭回。雖然這位耐邁仁波切自己事先脫下袈裟,變裝穿著牛仔褲行事,以避人耳目(可見穿或脫密宗的袈裟對他們並無不同意義)。資料顯示這位耐邁仁波切1973年出生於西康,為佐欽貝瑪格桑仁波切所認證,確定前世堪謙諾央仁波切-努謙彙杰益西蓮華生大士座下二十五位得道證果的大修行人之一的化身耐邁仁波切是西藏最重要的寺廟佐欽寺多年來栽培出來的首席大堪布(住持),並為佛學院第一名畢業,受學弟子近千人,耐邁仁波切甚至是紅教六大寺之一的「佐欽寺」〔 佐欽熙日森 (吉祥獅子)五明佛學院首席大堪布〕以及台灣佐欽佛學會導師。董事長表示,由於耐邁仁波切是直接被帶到分局作筆錄,事證確鑿,並且身分明確、資歷「顯赫」,以致原本高分貝對正覺教育基金會的指責大聲回嗆的藏傳佛教發言人,突然噤聲啞口不言,直到耐邁仁波切悄悄離境。這是因為事實勝於雄辯,謊言終究無可發揮的緣故。
今年2011年11月14日,藏傳佛教貢噶仁千多杰仁波切(即台中聖德禪寺住持聖輪喇嘛)被舉報宗教性侵一案,由於檢調搜證愈益明確,正進入司法偵訊程序。達賴喇嘛流亡政府的在台「官方」機構達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會」董事長達瓦才仁被自由時報記者釘著追問,才又現身發言,卻仍然一本陳腔為此狡辯說:藏傳佛教絕不允許僧人與女性有雙修的行為,在台灣,有很多打著『藏傳佛教』或『密宗』名目者,在外招搖撞騙,像雙修、淫人妻這種就是騙術,卻讓藏傳佛教遭受很大傷害,若修行者對所修法門有疑義,可向基金會求證,是否為正統藏傳佛教的傳承者。」以此推諉,為藏傳佛教脫罪。 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E8%81%96%E8%BC%AA%E7%96%91%E6%90%9E%E9%9B%99%E4%BF%AE-%E5%86%8D%E7%88%86%E6%AF%94%E4%B8%98%E5%B0%BC%E6%B6%89%E5%AA%92%E5%90%88-203343076.html
達瓦才仁辯稱:藏傳佛教絕不允許僧人與女性有雙修的行為」,可是他受託代言的主子達賴喇嘛在其著作《西藏佛教的修行道》中分明說道:「在無上瑜珈續中,即使是第一步的接受灌頂,都必須在男性和女性佛交抱的面前成辦。……此外,密續提到在圓滿次第的修行過程中,行者在到達某一個境界時,就要尋找一位異性同修,作為進一步證道的衝力。在這些 男女交合的情況中,如果有一方的證悟比較高,就能夠促成雙方同時解脫或證果。」而達賴這個說法則是宗本於他自幼即被教導的雙修法門,教導達賴的喇嘛老師們則是宗本於祖師宗喀巴在《廣論》裡的教導,那麼究竟是達瓦才仁背叛藏傳佛教根本教義,也背叛達賴喇嘛的開示,自作主張胡亂發言呢?還是為特定嫌犯脫罪而一時口不擇言的誑語?董事長請藏傳佛教發言人,正式明白地告訴我們這個一向以誠信為普世價值的社會:「難道藏傳假佛教(喇嘛教)每次都要這樣說謊嗎?」

Exploring the Stealing of Buddhist terms by Tibetan “Buddhism”:Article XVI─ Dependent arising without intrinsic nature

Published:2012/01/03    07:50 (By the True Heart News Interviewing team in Taipei) Zhang Gonpu, CEO of The True Enlightenment Education Foundation, indicates that Tsongkhapa, founder of the Geluk Sect of Tibetan “Buddhism,” regards that every dharma “arises” merely depending on “conditions” and its “intrinsic nature” is “empty.” And the practice method for the fundamental doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism” is the couple practice of copulation in the “Highest Yoga Tantra,” in which the union of a male’s and a female’s sexual organs is a necessary “condition” for the tactile bliss to “arise”; the conscious mind itself is empty and formless, yet it can cognize the sensual pleasure, and therefore the state is called the “Union of Bliss and Emptiness.” Up to this day, the 14th Dalai Lama also considers the concept of “dependent arising without intrinsic nature” in “Prasangika Madhyamika,” “the emptiness of every dharma,” and the conscious mind all to be the ultimate Buddhism. He negates that there exists an “everlasting and never ceasing” true mind, the wondrous dharma of the eighth vijnana Tathagatagarbha. This is a fatal misconception that makes Tibetan “Buddhism” a non-Buddhist cult.
CEO Zhang further indicates: the fundamental doctrine of Tibetan Tantrism is essentially the couple practice of copulation in the “Highest Yoga Tantra”; its doctrine regards that a human life “arises” depending on the “condition” of parental sexual intercourse. It is also stated in medical science that a “fertilized egg” is formed after a man’s sperm successfully penetrates into the woman’s ovum, thereby leading to a newborn life after ten months’ pregnancy. From such a viewpoint, it merely focuses on the “arising condition” of the newborn life but ignores the “root-cause” of how a new life is generated. In other words, if the “fertilized egg,” a combination of the father’s sperm and the mother’s ovum, is all that needed for a newborn life, then the so-called “law of causality” in the Buddha dharma cannot be substantiated. In reality, a new life can only be born following another sentient being’s death and its transmigration afterwards; to be more specific, an individual is not dead “once and for all”; instead, one will transmigrate to the next life “under the law of causality.” If a person possessed only the first six vijnanas [six sense-consciousnesses], when his physical body decays after death, his conscious mind that can cognize every dharma would decay accordingly as well, and all dharmas would cease to exist; in that case, how can life be carried on to “fulfill the law of causality”? As a matter of fact, there has to be an “everlasting and never ceasing” dharma entering and dwelling in the “fertilized egg,” and it is the real cause for a new life to arise depending on “conditions.”
The view of “dependent arising without intrinsic nature” in Tibetan Tantric “Buddhism” is similar to the heretic theory of nihilism in Buddhism; both viewpoints fall into the nihilistic theory of “no-cause and no-effect.” If every dharma were to arise simply depending on “conditions” and devoid of the “everlasting and never ceasing” true mind--the eighth vijnana--as the “root-cause,” how would the theory of the “reincarnated soul boy” in Tibetan “Buddhism” be justified? That the 14th Dalai Lama himself claims to be the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitêśvara, in fact, cannot be rationalized either.
The Madhyamika [middle-way view] of Tibetan “Buddhism” regards the concept of dependent arising without intrinsic nature as the ultimate dharma; nevertheless, Tibetan “Buddhism” sometimes reverses its statement by claiming that the conscious mind is not a dharma of dependent arising without intrinsic nature, but is the main entity of births-and-deaths in samsara. Such a statement not only violates Buddha Sakyamuni’s true teaching, but is also against the fact that the conscious mind can only exist in one lifetime in the phenomenal world. In addition, such a statement by itself already contradicts their theory that every dharma is merely of dependent arising without intrinsic nature; the statement also falls back into the theory of eternalism held by the non-Buddhists. As a result, the Prasangika Madhyamika of Tibetan “Buddhism” indeed belongs to the erroneous views of both nihilism and eternalism. Obviously contradictory to each other, both statements are simultaneously existent in Tibetan “Buddhism”; strangely enough, none of the lamas, ancient and modern alike, has discovered the contradiction.
Tibetan Tantric Buddhists talk about “reincarnation” while they negate the existence of the root-cause for “reincarnation.” If all dharmas were to become empty eventually, then the statement of “reincarnation” would never be substantiated, and all the Buddhist cultivation would be meaningless talk as well.
CEO Zhang again says that the “law of dependent-arising” means there must be an “everlasting and never ceasing” dharma as the root origin of “dependent-arising” and all the other dharmas can then be generated depending on the supporting “conditions.” For example, the waves must have the sea water as their main entity, while the phenomenal winds blow as the supporting conditions to form the waves; the sea water represents the “everlasting and never ceasing” main entity and it encounters the phenomenal winds as the “supporting conditions” to “bring forth” its waves; hence, the waves are dharmas of dependent arising without intrinsic nature and the sea water is their root cause. When the sea is calm, the sea water remains tranquil without the waves. If a phenomenal wind blows as the “supporting condition,” a wave is then created. As such, “arising depending on the cause and conditions” and “ceasing depending on the cause and conditions,” the change is merely in the shapes of the waves. The waves themselves are dependent arising without intrinsic nature, but the sea water is “everlasting and never ceasing” and is the fundamental cause for the formation of the waves.
The “dependent arising and dependent cessation” of life is also the same. Just like the changing waves, every individual possesses a different physical body and different six vijnanas (including the conscious mind, and so on) in each lifetime, and thereby with different bodily, verbal, and mental deeds. After one’s passing away, a new life will be born depending on the supporting “conditions” by the “everlasting and never ceasing” dharma, the eighth vijnana, in accordance with the karmic deeds of the past life. The new life is a dharma of dependent arising without intrinsic nature, but one’s eternal eighth vijnana is everlasting and never ceasing. Due to the permanent and never ceasing existence of the true mind as the fundamental cause of life, a new physical body will be born depending on various supporting conditions in the future lifetimes. Nevertheless, the new life is not necessarily a human; it could possibly become God or a celestial being (deva) enjoying blessed rewards of heavens or sometimes it could fall into the three evil paths as animals, hungry ghosts or hell beings. Every new life will be always different; the former life cannot go to the afterlife. Therefore, every new life is dependent arising without intrinsic nature, but the everlasting and never ceasing Tathagatagarbha remains the same all the time.
In terms of “dependent arising without intrinsic nature” in Tibetan “Buddhism,” its entire view of the “Buddha” dharma is based within the scope of the conscious mind, and utterly discards the “everlasting and never ceasing” dharma. Regarding the Couple-Practice of the “Highest Yoga Tantra,” its sexual climax has to be perceived by the conscious mind. As such a dharma of sexual tactile pleasure is “generated” through the contact of a male’s and a female’s sexual organs as the supporting "condition"; once the sexual organs are parted, the sexual tactile pleasure would cease to exist immediately, for this is an arising-and-ceasing, changing and impermanent dharma. Could anyone define the “dependently arising-and-ceasing” dharma generated by sensual pleasure of sexual satisfaction as the path “to attain Buddhahood in a lifetime”? Even worse, an “illegitimate child” could be born in consequence of the male party’s accidental ejaculation; since “the birds and the bees” is merely the worldly common parenthood, how could it have anything to do with the Buddha dharma?
Finally, CEO Zhang indicates: In Buddhism, the path to Buddhahood refers to the "everlasting and never ceasing" dharma, namely the eighth vijnana, Alayavijnana, which can bring forth the conscious mind, the sixth vijnana, which is used by the Tibetan Tantric “Buddhists” for perceiving the sexual orgasm. In reality, the Alayavijnana exists since eons without a beginning; it possesses true intrinsic natures and is able to bring forth all dharmas in the Three Realms depending on the supporting “conditions.” The theory of “dependent arising without intrinsic nature” can only work on the premise that the Alayavijnana brings forth all existing dharmas. Similarly, during the Couple-Practice of the “Highest Yoga Tantra,” children will be born once the male party ejaculates; it is because every sentient being possesses the "everlasting and never ceasing" Alayavijnana, which can enter the embryo and generate a human physical body; depending on the physical body, one can perform good or evil deeds in everyone’s life until senior age, and even passes away. Accordingly, this current life is “dependently arising and ceasing,” but everyone’s Alayavijnana will carry on with the retribution within “the six paths of transmigration” in accordance with the karmic deeds of one’s past lives to fulfill the “law of causality.” This is the true meaning of “dependent arising without intrinsic nature.”
Tibetan “Buddhism” negates the existence of the “everlasting and never ceasing” Alayavijnana, and its statement about “dependent arising without intrinsic nature” becomes essentially a nihilistic and fallacious theory. As a result, it is absolutely impossible for Tibetan Buddhists to explain the law of cause and effect in Buddhism. In fact, “the conscious mind, which they claim to be everlasting, indestructible, and able to bring forth the five-aggregates” can only exist in this life, but cannot go to the afterlife by entering and dwelling in the embryo. The conscious mind of the next life belongs only to the next life, and it does not come from this life. The same is true of this current conscious mind, which did not transmigrate from the former life either. Therefore, after Tibetan “Buddhism” has negated the existence of the everlasting eighth vijnana, which stores the seeds of the five-aggregates and the seeds of the good and evil deeds, their teachings about the view of dependent arising without intrinsic nature essentially become nihilistic and fallacious. Apart from those ordinary people who would agree to their view of dependent arising without intrinsic nature under “the theory of six vijnanas,” all those who have realized the true Buddha dharma will definitely not agree to it at all. (Reported by the interviewing team) 20120103
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on October 8, 2011.

真心新聞網:為什麼雙身法不是佛法系列報導之六 金剛杵與蓮花合體不能成佛



達瓦才仁指出:藏傳佛教之所以被稱為「密宗」,就是因為經典上的文字記載都有「密義」,除了上師傳授,無法瞭解真義。不能只用字面上的意義直觀解釋。】 (大意)
達賴喇嘛也在《揭開心智的奧秘》這本書中又說: 【而最強的感受是在性高潮的時候。這是大樂的修習(Practice bliss)之所以包括在最高瑜伽密續中的原因之一。一般人對於無上瑜伽密續(Anuttara yoga tantra)中,關於性以及其他的象喻存有諸多誤解。性的象喻真正的理由,完全是因為在四種明光出現的狀況當中,性高潮最為強烈。因此這種象喻才用在靜坐中,以延長明光出現的經驗,或使之更清晰鮮明——目的就在於此。在性高潮時,因為明光出現的經驗較持久,因此你較有機會加以利用。】 (杰瑞米.海華、法蘭西斯可.瓦瑞拉編著:靳文穎譯,《揭開心智的奧秘》,眾生文化出版有限公司,1996年6月30日初版,頁147-148。)
由以上可知,藏傳佛教中的密續修行,就是要在性交中達到性高潮,他們說性高潮時能夠體驗到明光境界(或稱根本淨光),說這是可以使意識專注的大樂的修習,為了要讓自己在性交中能夠延長性高潮的時間,所以他們在生起次第的階段,都要練拙火氣功,練氣脈明點來保持不漏精;然而這些與佛法解脫修行一點關係都沒有,佛陀在經典上也不曾說過要在性高潮中證明光境界,那只是欲界中很低層次的意識與身觸覺受,不是佛法空性第八識的實證;更何況明光境界只是意識心的境界,佛已在經中全然否定意識了,說意識是因緣所生法,並且是生滅無常的。佛在《雜阿含經》卷9說:【諸所有意識,彼一切皆意法因緣生故,是名比丘眼識因緣生,乃至意識因緣生。】(CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 57, c20-22),所以意識所住的「性高潮」中的境界,怎會是佛法所證的解脫境界呢?又怎會是佛法中說的空性心第八識如來藏呢?
第十四世達賴喇嘛又說:【對於佛教徒來說,倘若修行者有著堅定的智慧和慈悲,則可以運用性交在修行的道上,因為這可以引發意識的強大專注力,目的是為了要彰顯與延長心更深刻的層面(稍早有關死亡過程時曾描述),為的是要把力量用在強化空性領悟上。否則僅僅只是性交,與心靈修行完全無關。當一個人在動機和智慧上的修行已經達到很高的階段,那麼就算是兩性相交或一般所謂的性交,也不會減損這個人的純淨行為。在修行道上已達到很高程度的瑜伽行者,是完全有資格進行雙修,而具有這樣能力的出家人是可以維持住他的戒律。】 (達賴喇嘛著,丁乃竺譯,《修行的第一堂課》,先覺出版股份有限公司,2003年5月初版7刷,頁177-178。)
另外一位藏傳佛教界的知名人物,西藏白教噶瑪噶舉派中的紅帽法王,曾在第十六世噶瑪巴過世後、第十七世噶瑪巴就任前,擔任攝政法王的夏瑪(Shamar)仁波切曾說:【1980年我去了一趟美國,那是我第一次到西方的國家。當時我總算瞭解金剛乘(譯案:藏傳佛教)在西方國家是很普遍的。我的結論是邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)仁波切卡盧(Kalu)仁波切是前幾位把譚崔交合法門引進到西方的喇嘛。我認為邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)仁波切對西方人的哲理如下:西方人的性慾很強,因此生活在性慾的世界裡,於是他斷定了譚崔性交是個適合他們的法門卡盧(Kalu)仁波切交合法門傳授給西方人,並告訴他們,這是西藏的傳統,他在西藏時也是以相同的方式傳授給信徒。此外,卡盧(Kalu)仁波切受過很高等的譚崔教育,這兩位偉大的人物在西方很努力的推動譚崔。由於他們的努力,譚崔法門在美國、加拿大以及歐洲都已經變得很有知名度。 】(〈譚崔法門在西藏佛教裡所扮演的角色〉,《喇嘛性世界─揭開藏傳佛教譚崔瑜伽的面紗》,正智出版社,頁14-15。)
張董事長指出,我們從達賴喇嘛的說法,和過去知名白教傳承法王的夏瑪仁波切口中,就可知道即使是今日,藏傳佛教的譚崔性交法門很明顯是存在的實修法門,不是達瓦才仁說的被禁止的法門。而且如今性交修行已經被卡盧仁波切和邱陽創巴仁波切從西藏傳到歐美,譚崔性交法門甚至在歐美都很有知名度了,連幾位旅居中國的歐美作家深入了解西藏後,也在〈藏傳佛教、印度慾經和譚崔性交〉這篇文章中說:【西藏佛教徒所信仰的宗教,是有著佛教的表相,但內涵卻是他們原本以大自然和性交為本質的宗教。……在以前(指的當然是中國共產黨統一前)的西藏,西藏佛教道場會錄取十七歲左右的少男申請入學者,讓他們與女性教師受足足兩年的譚崔性交訓練(女性教師通常三十幾或四十幾歲,座下同時有好幾名少男─ ─ 因此能獲得性交訓練是幸運的)。……譚崔性交在西方社會有很多的信徒粉絲,包括史丁與理察吉爾等等,以及在偏遠西藏寺院裡的少數僧人仍然小心隱密地在修性交雙身法 (《喇嘛性世界─揭開藏傳佛教譚崔瑜伽的面紗》,正智出版社,頁16~19)
另外美國Miranda Shaw教授(譯註:著有《性愛與覺悟:藏傳佛教中的女性Passionate enlightenment: women in Tantric Buddhism》)的書中,引述了當今黃教上師─耶喜喇嘛、格桑嘉措格西、達杰格西─的自述,這三位上師都與實體明妃合修過雙身法。而蘇格蘭的June Campbell(譯註:著有《空行母:性、定位與藏傳佛教Traveller in Space: Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism》)也在她的書中詳述了她與香巴噶舉派法王─教法持有者的卡盧仁波切─多年的男女雙修關係;這兩位女性都是藏學專家,也都是藏傳佛法的實修行者,她們比一般人都更瞭解藏傳佛教的真實內情。

真心新聞網:為什麼雙身法不是佛法系列報導之八 不淨的四物只能供鬼

(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導) 正覺教育基金會董事長張公僕表示,藏傳佛教密宗的根本典籍「那洛六法」中,有提到以「四物」供佛。在中國民眾心中所瞭解的「四物」,是指四種中藥材;但藏傳佛教密宗說的四物是指:「花、酒、媾合、寶之物。」這裏的花,字面上是「蓮花」,但真正的意思,不是佛教中所說的蓮花,而是指女人的「性器官」;「媾合」是指在「雙身佛」像前交合享受快樂;「寶之物」乃男女行淫後所流出精液、精血的混合物。

真心新聞網: 藏傳佛教密宗的障眼法--第九則─佛法名相



Say “NO!” To Tibetan “Buddhism”

(By Guo Fengyan of the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) At the beginning of this year, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation launched a full swing campaign on “Protecting Taiwan women” and publicized consecutively in four of the most prestigious national newspapers to reveal the truth of “sexual misconduct towards women under the guise of Buddhist practice” of Tibetan Buddhist lamas. The society was in an uproar about this all at once. BCC news radio network even reported a series of special interviews on this issue. However, Ministry of the Interior, the Department of Civil Affairs issued a statement on the dispute over the doctrine of the copulation practice of Tibetan “Buddhism”: “The Constitution guarantees religious freedom. Unless there are obvious illegal activities that the official authorities must impose law enforcement, all religious doctrines, rituals or practices will be given due respect.”(Reported by Huang Yuejiao)

CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation Zhang Gonpu indicates that such a passive response from the government official implies that the authority concerned has chosen the easier way out. In fact, government officials have a certain obligation to act as the guardians for the general public. It is their duty to proactively investigate and examine all the religions under their jurisdiction whether the essence of the religious doctrines is evil. Furthermore, they should be actively aware of whether the religious tenets are fundamentally violating good social customs or against moral standards. If the religious doctrines are found illegal, government officials should actively participate in clamping down on evil religions and ensure that they are entirely eradicated, instead of focusing merely on isolated cases of misconduct. Since dealing with the isolated cases is only a stopgap measure, not a long-term solution; besides, it is under the jurisdiction of National Police Agency. In general, when the doctrines of a certain religion violate good social customs and conform to legislative definition of crimes against ethical values, the religion is then well-defined as evil. The Department of Civil Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior and Bureaus of Civil Affairs in every county and city have the responsibility to clamp down on such an evil religion from harming the decent Taiwanese people.
CEO Zhang points out that although the Constitution of Taiwan guarantees religious freedom, but when the doctrines of a religion overtly violate the good social customs, break the law, ruin the followers’ families or even endanger social harmony, such a religion can no longer be regarded as orthodox but is considered to be evil. Their doctrines and rituals should not be under the safeguard of the Constitution; they ought to be prosecuted and further prohibited from spreading around in order to warn the public to be vigilant; these are the duties of an honest and efficient government. CEO Zhang further indicates that lamas of Tibetan “Buddhism” in Taiwan have constantly committed countless crimes of sexual assaults on Taiwanese women; regretfully, most victims would never speak up out of consideration for their reputation. Why are the female followers of Tibetan “Buddhism” frequently seduced into unlawful sex or sexually assaulted by lamas? It is evidently due to the vile doctrines of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. The practices and precepts of lamas are essentially evil and will inevitably lead to criminal behaviors of seriously violating the good social customs and orders, and breaking followers’ families. In fact, the vile doctrines of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism are not socially acceptable. Not only is their “illegal activities” extremely obvious, but they are also long-term habitual offenders. How can the official authorities turn a blind eye on such a vicious religion and use the excuse of “all religions will be given due respect” to guarantee its propagation under the name of “religious freedom”?
CEO Zhang Gongpu especially alerts female followers who wish to join Tibetan “Buddhism.” To approach the so-called “Tibetan Buddhism” with a preconceived trust in the term “Buddhism” is a mistake. Tibetan “Buddhism” flaunts the banner of Buddhism, and steals all the Buddhist terms, but in fact its contents and doctrines have nothing to do with Buddhism. As Taiwan authority officials adopt a passive attitude toward this phenomenon, the Taiwan society is filled with big wild wolves cloaked up in Buddhist coat, and always on the watch to prey on vulnerable, young and attractive Taiwanese women. In view of this, when looking to practice or take refugee in a religion, it is essential to understand its fundamental doctrines, additional rituals and precepts. Above of all, take heed to the so-called “samaya precepts” of Tibetan “Buddhism,” which demands its followers to practice the copulation tantra among fellow practitioners of the opposite sex on a daily basis. If one mistakes the Tibetan fake “Buddhism” for the real Buddhism, and then believes and follows blindly, one will be brain-washed and haunted by its evil teachings and mantras. Adding up with the self-hypnosis power of “Guru Yoga,” the numbing effect will gradually take hold, just like “a frog boiled in cool water.” Eventually, one will be exploited exclusively by the guru who makes unlimited demands. By the time when one loses money, is sexually molested, and also creates the bad karma to fall into the three evil paths, it will be too late to repent.
As for people who doubt that lamas would flagrantly violate the Buddhist pure precepts, CEO Zhang further explains: According to the tantric precepts of Tibetan “Buddhism,” if a lama engages in the couple-practice tantra without leaking his bright drop (no semen ejaculation), or has the ability to draw the semen back into the bladder after ejaculation, or in the worst case manages to swallow the semen down the throat (this also counted as no leaking), then he does not break his precepts. He can still be regarded as keeping the pure precept and desire-free as well. As such, Tibetan “Buddhism” has their self-defined fake “precepts” with no restriction whatsoever merely to satisfy the lamas’ sex desires. As a result, lamas have committed numerous cases of seductions and sexual assaults on Taiwanese women. This is exactly why the True Enlightenment Education Foundation must disclose the fact that “the lamas' practice of the Highest Yoga Tantra is to have sexual intercourse with female followers."
CEO Zhang says that married women should recognize that Tibetan “Buddhism” is counterfeit Buddhism which has false licentious practices. Lamas have been involved in breach of trust, frauds, sexual misconduct and offenses against family. This evil religion is not only liable for civil offenses, but has also instigated believers to violate criminal laws in secrecy. The concerned believers are of pivotal importance. Only when believers realize that doctrines of Tibetan “Buddhism” are evil by nature, could they restore their clear mind and gather up their courage to turn away. Only then could they have the chance to cleanse themselves of filthy vice, then transform into pure goodness, and to extricate themselves from degenerating. At this point, they could even contribute to the amelioration of social customs and further prosecute the wrongdoings to save more followers from being depraved with the evil doctrines. This is how a religion can keep its purity, our nation its dignity and our society its peace. Only with all these prerequisites, would the freedom of religion protected by the Constitution make sense. A religion that encourages its preachers to offend against believers’ families or sexual morality should not be protected by the constitutional provisions of religious freedom; instead, it should be banned. The Department of Civil Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior and Bureaus of Civil Affairs in every county and city are obliged to carry this through because the freedom of religion in the Constitution does not include protecting an evil religion that breaks the law. (Reported by By Guo Fengyan) 20111215
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on June 20, 2011